Mackenzie frame detailing

Weaves marking out the area to paint on the frameMore pics on the progress of hand painting my frame. It turns out that knowing a calligrapher is really handy. Here are some pictures of the amazing work Weaves did to replace the branding on Mackenzie’s frame.

I am so deliriously happy with how this turned out. The effect is really classy and classic. I really love how many talented people I know. You can read about the process of doing it on Weaves’ blog.

Weaves painting the brand name onto the frameIn exchange I serviced Weaves’ bike. Straight forward enough, except that it had been assembled with no grease in the headset.

Next is to let the paint set for a few days, touch up anything that needs it and then apply the clear coat. Hopefully I can get that done this week and I can start assembling her, although I still need to consider handlebars and find some brake levers I like. Thinking about Dia Compe 188s.

I’m worried she’s going to be too beautiful to ever ride.

"Crannaford" painted in cursive on the frame

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